Lowongan Kerja Finance PT. Nipindo Primatama

Lowongan Kerja Finance lulusan S1 Keuangan. Nipindo Primatama, PT is Coal mining contractor and palm oil land clearing company in Jakarta. We are seeking highly professional candidates who has an experience in Finance to work in our company for the position as below :


* min S1 finance from reputable university
* IPK min 3.0
* Has 5 years experience in Finance
* Age between 30 - 35 years old
* Can set funding from third-party
* Can set the company's cash flow
* Can be prepared for the Business Feasibility Study and project evaluations
* Having a relationship with both wide and world banking
* Having the ability of communication and interaction of both
* Willing to travel agencies to site / project in Indonesia
* Able to work well under pressure with tight schedule
* Able to operate and process data through an accounting program (ERP)
* It can be in English and Chinese (at least the passive)

Send your complete application to : recruitment@nipindo.co.id or nip.recruitment@yahoo.com